Apply for funding

Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet primarily provides funding for needs-motivated research in forest management and nature conservation.

Timetable for the funding process 2024

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Final date for application


Skogssällskapet Stage 1

2/9 2024

14/10 2024

Nov 2024

Skogssällskapet Stage 2

28/11 2024

13/1 2025

March 2025


Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet primarily provides funding for needs-motivated research in forest management and nature conservation.

Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet’s interpretation of the concept ‘forest management’ is management that treats forest as a renewable resource in a way that ensures the forest’s long-term production capacity.

The foundation’s interpretation of the concept ‘nature conservation’ with links to forest and use of forest involves ensuring its ecological, social, and aesthetic values.

Skogssällskapet also contributes to practical implementation of research results and existing knowledge, so can also award grants to communication and knowledge dissemination initiatives that concern forest management and nature conservation.

Funding may be awarded in other areas of nature conservation than research, providing the projects lie within the foundation’s interpretation of the concept of nature conservation.

Who can apply for funding from Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet?

Anyone affiliated to universities, university colleges, research institutes, and seats of learning in Sweden and Finland are invited to apply for funding from Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet. NGOs can apply for funding if the project in question will be conducted according to scientific methods or contributes in some other way to the foundation’s aims in the area of nature conservation. Organisations run for profit and public sector actors other than universities, university colleges, and research institutes may not apply for funding from Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet.

When applications for this year's funding are considered, collaborative projects involving different universities/research institutes and countries (i.e. Sverige and Finland) will be viewed favourably.


Application for funding from Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet takes place in two stages: Stage 1 and Stage 2. Applications may be submitted in Swedish or English. The application system is mainly in Swedish. For further instructions regarding applications, see the Stiftelsen Skogssällskapet Funding Guide.